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Use your superpower to make the move to Italy

by | Jan 6, 2019 | Expat life, Self-improvement

On the hunt for that perfect Italian Villa, you are faced with many paths. Are you moving to Italy? Is this investment going to be your personal Italian getaway? Or are you intending to make it a cash-flowing property?  

No matter what background we come from we are all fortunate to have a special superpower.

The Power to make our own Choices or decisions!…… Agency!

 No matter what you call it, each of us has what I just referred to as our own ‘special superpower’ that can produce both positive and negative results. I find this subject astounding because the process of gaining control of our choices is a challenge everyone faces, yet produces mixed results across humankind.

 For example, even people in prison that have limited control over their own choices had at one point full control and due to some of these choices have reached their current result, ultimately diminishing their superpower.

So what do choices have to do with today’s post?

Think about it! Let’s answer a few questions across a few categories.


Where were you born? Do you still live in the same city? The same neighborhood? Do you see yourself staying there forever? Have you had the opportunity to travel? What cultures have you experienced? Do you rent or own your home? Do you agree with the laws of your local community?


Are you happy with your work? Do you feel fulfilled every day? Do you fear losing your job? Do you have potential for a promotion? Do you earn enough money to cover your monthly needs? Do you have control of your monthly spending? 


Have you completed all the schooling you desire? Do you have a plan for continued education? Do you feel challenged in life? Do you have any personal goals?

The list can go on and on but what is the point? We live in a special time where we can literally go anywhere or be anything we want. The power lies within our ‘superpower.’ It comes down to what we tell ourselves is possible and the choices we make to reach that possibility.

So I ask again… Do you want to move to Italy?… Why?……… Why not? 

You probably have predetermined that it’s not ideal, or perhaps even impossible to do. In truth it is entirely up to you to evaluate what is best for your personal or families situation, so I am not going to tell you it is the best choice to make.

 Let’s take a step back. While you were asking yourself the questions earlier what kinds of thoughts did you have? …. Do you feel happy? … Do you feel like your choices are limited to your current situation? … Do you feel like you have the control you desire?

 I am not suggesting that if you are still living in the same town you are unhappy. My intention is purely to open up some possibilities that you may have never considered possible. For example, some people spend the majority of their time listening to negative naysayers who instead of bolstering positive progression enjoy watching others dreams fail, and better yet never get started.

Harnessing your superpower 

The power is within you. Let’s think about what you tell yourself each day? I am going to share a personal example that will show there is no magic recipe.

When I was in my 20’s I landed what I considered my dream job, though I didn’t even see it coming. I worked as a Land Development Project Manager for a small company right in my hometown for about 3 years around the time the real estate bubble burst in 2008. I was fresh out of University, single and ready to mingle. I made good money and loved the freedom my job provided.

I related really well with my employer and we would often eat out and talk about common interests. Truly I had nothing to complain about, but I had a problem. I hated waking up in the morning and would consistently show up to work late. Being a project manager it was less noticeable since I would often go directly to a job site first thing in the morning, but being late would often impact the projects in a negative way.

I remember the last year of my job feeling complete guilt and believing the only reason I still had my job was due to the fact I would bring in doughnuts most mornings. I never felt like I had control over this problem in my life so as a solution I chose to sleep in the office in order to arrive on time. (To this day I am not sure if my boss was aware)

Many of you would probably say I was just lazy or should just grow up, but I felt helpless and it was obvious.

Perhaps it is needless to say but I don’t work there anymore. I chose to move on since I expected to be fired soon anyway. I chose self-employment due to an opportunity that presented itself and my desire to have freedom. My mistake was thinking I could be successful in my next endeavor while still battling the same issues. Three years later I had to move on yet again since it put me in an immense amount of debt and I couldn’t support myself any longer.

Though it was never diagnosed, but I wouldn’t be surprised if I went through mild depression due to financial difficulty on top of the feeling of failure that resulted from the previous 4 years.  I always told myself that on my own, I would never amount to anything, and so it remained. I had completely convinced myself that until I was married or found a business partner, I’d never achieve any amount of success due to my inability to follow a morning routine.

So what changed?

Well I did get married not to mention the responsibility of raising children, so perhaps that was the real medicine, but what I began to realize is that my lifestyle choices were the cause of my biggest challenge. I didn’t understand the impact that staying up late caused on my body and allowed myself to think there was something literally wrong with me when my only problem was lack of self-control.

My paradigm shifted. My knowledge increased and ever since I have been fascinated by the superpower of choice and ‘choose’ to take control of my daily decisions which I expect to create positive results for my personal, financial, family, and social life.  

It’s easy, yet it’s not

It’s time to get practical. Let’s imagine you just for a second considering the decision to move to Italy.

What stops you? Family? Your job? The fear of the unknown? There are plenty of legitimate reasons to not do it. My question is: 

Is there are part of you that starts this process thinking saying, ‘No… it’s just not possible!’

If this is the case, I suggest you think deep on what makes you say it. Chances are, you’ve spent too much time listening to the naysayers, or you are merely limiting yourself. If so, I sincerely urge you to find a way to push your limits and you might be surprised what doors open before you.

If anything I’d say that knowledge gives light to your choices. It’s time to take control of your superpower!

Coming soon! Steps you can take to move to Europe for your current/future retirement.

Did you know you can buy your own Villa?

Literally, 100’s of villas are won on auction each week here in Italy.  There’s nothing blocking you from getting that dream villa, vacation rental.
Find out how by following this checklist I compiled from participating myself. It has changed my families future!