by DauvO | Italian regions, Lifestyle
In the 5 years I’ve lived in Italy, I’ve been able to visit different regions. Not all of them mind you, but I have seen how different they are from each other even though Italy, in its entirety, is just over 116,000 square miles. This puts it roughly between Arizona...
by DauvO | Expat life, Self-improvement
On the hunt for that perfect Italian Villa, you are faced with many paths. Are you moving to Italy? Is this investment going to be your personal Italian getaway? Or are you intending to make it a cash-flowing property? No matter what background we come from we are...
by DauvO | Investing, Investor Profile
Hello and welcome to the first of a series of posts designed to instruct you in the ways of Italian Auction Participation! Auction Participation is more or less an easy process. As an Italian resident it can be a little scary to tackle. As a non-resident foreigner...